Thanks to Gordon for this contribution on the highlights from The 31st Four Wheel drive trip held on the 9th of January.
The day started under thick cloud cover with the visibility heading to the The Old Man Range limited to about 3m. Fortunately the sun did shine at the Obelisk which gave us encouragement to proceed. Some 20 minutes later there was a significant improvement in visibility and we continued. All saw the location of the old Alpine mine which travellers were given information on. Lunch at Boundary Hut was pleasant. But there was a challenge of some 100m meters down a tussock slope if you wished to visit it and its facilities
The afternoon drama was a flat tyre. Made more so by the owner not knowing where the wheel brace was located. Denis did well sorting this.
After the 8 hour trip, including stops, we were ahead of schedule at the well organised BBQ at Bannockburn inlet.
Thank you Craig and his wife, Pamela and Neroli for putting this on.
Also a BIG thanks to Denis and Loraine acting as Tail End Charlies.
Loraine has now qualified for a degree in gate closing.

A great way to end to another outstanding 4 wheel drive trip with a BBQ at Bannockburn Inlet
New Zealand